Discover a body camera that always delivers

Need a body camera your law enforcement first responders can rely on? Our V700 and VB400 police body-worn cameras are designed to fit the critical needs of your officers. With cameras starting at $29 per month, you’re just steps away from implementing a comprehensive video program.

Answer our 4-question survey to determine which camera is right for you, and receive a personalized eBook to learn how it can boost safety and transparency for your law enforcement agency.

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Agency size


What other products is your law enforcement agency currently leveraging? Select all that apply.

How are you looking to deploy your body cameras to your officers?

How many full-time sworn officers are in your agency?

Would you like to acquire your cameras outright, or pay for them monthly?

V700 body camera

With the V700's LTE connection and effortless recording, you can be confident that this body camera will capture critical incidents while keeping you connected.

View real-time video and location from every angle
Capture critical evidence through any circumstance
Streamline daily workflows
Easily manage encrypted evidence out in the field
Manage digital evidence efficiently
GPS helps you keep eyes on your team

VB400 body camera

The VB400 body camera is designed to make it easy for your team to capture high-quality, first-person video so that an independent witness captures the whole situation.

Pre- and post-record documents vital context
Full HD recording in 1080p
Bluetooth® & Wi-Fi® connectivity
Peer-assisted recording captures all viewpoints
GPS helps you keep eyes on your team
Encryption ensures video is unquestionable

Frost & Sullivan’s Product Leader
in the Global Body-Worn Camera Market